The novena to St. Dominic Savio began on the 27 June with Fr. Reggie Gracias as the main celebrant who touched on 'Obedience' as the theme of the day and took us through the scriptures from Cain & Abel to Abraham, Moses and Jesus. And showed us how Dominic Savio was obedient to Don Bosco and on account of his obedience became a saint.

The second day we had Fr. Glen Lowe who touched on the vision of Don Bosco where he saw Dominic Savio with a group of youngsters in heaven with a bouquet of flowers. Each flower represented a virtue:
Rose: for love of God; Lily: love of purity and goodness; Gentian: for humility; Sunflower: for obedience; Violets: penance, mortification & reconciliation; Stalk of wheat: nourishment in the Eucharist; Evergreen: for perseverance.

He gave a brief explanation on each and told the boys that at the end of the vision Dominic Savio had three little papers in his hand and Don Bosco asked him, what are those? Dominic Savio said these are lists of boys. The first list is of boys who have been very good and are holy. The second list is of boys who are good and want to be better. Some of them have changed and become better. The third list is of boys who have not changed and want to remain bad.

He asked the lads in church, at the end of the novena to Dominic Savio which list would you like to be in?

You can all guess the answer!

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